You been told to run a SUCCESSFUL Online Business you need ...

FUNNEL... Sales Page... 

DIGITAL COURSE or Website...

They all make it so easy but YOU DON'T KNOW Where & How to START!

Yeah... You heard about this tool and that tool... but how you should use them ?
And ... let's be real some have really high price tags :( 


You no longer need to pull you hair out, hustle & guess

while creating your BIZ foundations.

No more fiddling with tools, which one to use, what plugins, how to connect...

Imagine, there is a solution that have it all, All YOURS, under your full control with no monthly cost & soooo easy to use like 1, 2, 3! 

Just plug your content, make it pretty & sell like hot cakes!!

Do you think it can only happen in your dream?

Well, NO! It is a Reality ... READ Further! 

​​I`m just about to tell you my secret...
I've been helping clients to build online business for over 7 years. 

I know what it takes to be successful online!

​​​​& I know what you REALLY need to be successful online!

I have wrapped it ALL in the box so you can cut the guess work,
follow my EASY, step-by-step tutorials and have your biz or next offer
off the ground in a matter of few hours! 


Biz In The Box has everything you will need to sell your offers & build your tribe.

It's super easy to use! You will get ALL the templates you need to build your
Funnel, Your Offer, Sell and Deliver Your Group Coaching Program or Online Course.

Plus you will also get my easy to follow tutorials & access to a friendly support group where you can ask questions, bounce ideas,

share your wins & celebrate your successes with us! 


What’s in the Box?

#1 The Basics

  • Out of the Box Website* - simple 5 page Wordpress website template (build on DIVI theme) + step by step tutorials how to make it your own and pretty to get you started.
  • Exclusive MASTERCLASS about tools and systems you need in place to start your online biz.
  • BONUS: 'Basics of Branding' mini course teaching you how to create a brand on budget and professionally looking graphics to use on social media and for promotion.
  • BONUS: Video tutorial - how to create your business email and add to Gmail account.

#2 Build Your Tribe

  • My 3 BEST converting lead pages templates (incl webinar sign up page), you can easily customise and use to offer you own freebie to build your tribe.
  • Webinar signup page + how to customise and connect toy your autoresponder and Zoom. Check the live page HERE  
  • Easy to follow instruction how to connect the sign up boxes to your chosen autoresponder (Mailchimp, ConvertKit or Active Campaign*)
  • 3 Thank You pages templates + instructions how to replace the default content with your own.
  • Easy to follow instructions how to set up follow up sequence in your autoresponder.
  • BONUS: sales funnels and nurture sequence top secrets and tips how to grow your tribe. 

#3 Sell & Deliver 

  • Beautiful sales page template + instructions how to replace and add your own content, create pay buttons, connect them to your content delivery tool and make sure you are getting paid.
  • Full, out of the box online course platform build on WordPress + Divi theme and a MemberPress** plugin to protect your content (tools worth $608).
  • Easy to follow instruction videos teaching how to use the platform and replace the default content with your own.
  • Easy to follow instructions how to connect the platform to your own payment processor to take payments and how to add pay buttons to your sales page.
  • Easy to follow instructions how to connect to your own autoresponder so you can keep in touch with your members. 
  • Check the demo HERE Use user: demo and password: Demo2018 to get in :) 


Call Me CRAZY…

This project still sits in the oven but I know you have BIG plans to start selling your offers & market you biz soon, so I've decided to do something crazy! 

You Can Grab 'Biz In The Box' For Next Few Days At



Super Early Bird Price

$377 ONLY!!

*** 11 SPOTS ONLY ***

you will never get it at such a low price,
It's not only a marketing blurb!!!

NOTE: You are joining this project at a super early bird and the access to the platform will be delivered to you on 17th MAY 2018

Who Am I & Why Should You Invest?

Hey Gorgeous

I`m Anna Langa, Online Success Strategist & Digital Launch Designer aka #DigitalNinja.

I have been in digital space for over seven years. The amount of websites, membership portals, sales pages, funnels & launches I helped with, is countless. It is my BIG passion and love, the air I breathe. I put all my heart in everything I do so you can be sure what you are getting here will help your business BIG STYLE.

This deal is one of a kind. I have never seen anyone doing something as crazy. Just think about it, with $377 investment you can take your biz or next offer off the ground, build your tribe, sell your offers or digital courses and earn $$$!!


Ain't I truly CRAZY? 

​​​​Are You Ready?


NOTE: You are joining this project at a super early bird and the access to the platform will be delivered to you on 17th May 2018

Have Questions?

Reach me out on my email I will get back to you as soon as I can :) 

* SMALL PRINT: Please note, you will need your own domain and hosting in order for us to install the "Biz In The Box". If you don't have one, you will be able to purchase one. You'll find a recommended tools and resources list inside the training portal. 

Additionally, you will need email autoresponder account, PayPal account, scheduling tool and optionally - advanced lead building plugin. These tools + hosting + domain may cast you extra approx. $200.

** Your payment covers ONE year licence for the membership plugin - MemberPress. If you wish to use your platform, avoid issues and receive plugin updates, we strongly encourage to renew the licence every year. You can either buy your own licence after the first year on vendor website or renew with us at a nominal fee of $30/year. You will receive email prompt few days before renewal date.